joi, 20 octombrie 2011

Naughty Dog vrea Playstation 4!


"Uncharted 3 isn't just an incremental update, we did change lots and lots of things - but graphically speaking, it's not going to have the same gap as between Uncharted 1 and 2. It was never going to happen.
The way we made it, how much of the PS3's power we were using...that huge gap that you saw between Uncharted 1 and 2 is the kind of thing that really only happens once per generation. We pushed it really hard. Uncharted 2 to 3 is still a jump, but it's a narrower jump. And going forward, it depends on what we do.
But I don't think you'll ever see that same jump again, at least on a PlayStation 3. There was just so much power left over in the PS3 when we made Uncharted 1 that we figured out how to use and really took it to town when developing Uncharted 2."

Ce vedeti mai sus este declaratia faimosului producator de jocuri PS3, Naughty Dog, care ne dezvaluie (in sfarsit) ca consola celor de la Sony PS3 si-a atins potentialul maxim iar noul joc care sta sa apara, Uncharted 3, va reprezenta un salt mic la calitatea grafica fata de U2 din cauza limitarilor hardware ale PS3-ului. Asta nu poate decat sa ne bucure. Incep in sfarsit dezvoltatorii de jocuri sa se planga de consolele actuale, poate poate se gandeste Sony sa dea drumu odata la Playstation 4. Ar cam fi cazul. Intre U1 si U2 a fost un salt mare la capitolul grafica insa intre U2 si U3 nu vom experimenta acelasi lucru, oricat s-au chinuit cei de la Naughty Dog nu au putut sa inghesuie o grafica mai buna in ramii putini ai consolei sau in placa video foarte slaba pentru ziua de azi.

Fanii seriei Uncharted nu ar trebui sa fie dezamagiti insa pentru ca noul U3 se anunta a fi unul foarte captivant si multe schimbari/aditii de gameplay si grafica care ne-au incantat intotdeauna pe PS3. In rest, SONY IA PUNE MANA SI TRECI LA FAPTE!

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